Frequently asked questions:
Welcome to our FAQ page! We've compiled a list of the most common questions our customers ask us. If you have any further queries please use the form to get in touch, or contact us.

Should I buy skates online?
No matter your level, skates have to fit properly to work and keep you safe.
We find most customers who buy online end up with the wrong size, or a pair that are not fit for purpose. Our 3D scan ensures a perfect fit every time.
Skates also need to be sharpened and often reshaped to your foot, this can only be done in-person and all included in the price of our skates, find out more here.
How often do I need to get my blades resharpened?
It can be difficult to tell when you are a beginner as you are still getting used to the feeling of having blades, and it is different for everyone.
When you feel the blade/edge slipping on the ice instead of gripping it. If you are unsure just pop in and we will be happy to have a look.
Find out more about sharpening here.

How much are secondhand skates?
This depends on what you are after (hockey or figure?) and dependent on what we have in stock at the time. In general, secondhand skates start from about £65-85
Feel free to get in touch with us for more details.
Are my skates broken?
Skates do break down over time and with use! When they break the safety of the skater is compromised, which is why it is important to replace them.
Generally speaking, skates are designed for specific abilities, as you progress you will need a pair more suited to your level.
If you feel there is something wrong with yours just get in touch or bring them in and we can have a look.

Get in Touch
Streatham Ice & Leisure Centre
390 Streatham High Road
SW16 6HX
020 3441311